Permissions and Access Control



A Group in WikiELN is a key component for managing access to files, notebooks, and reports within an entity. Groups are designed to provide a secure and organized way to control who can create, view, or modify content, ensuring that the right people have the right level of access.

Creating a Group

From the Entity Admin Page

Entity admins can create groups from the entity admin page. There are two options for creating a group:

  • Blank Group: Start with a fresh, empty group that you can customize according to your needs.
  • Copy Existing Group: Duplicate an existing group, giving the new group a different name. This is useful for creating similar groups with predefined settings.

Group Functionality

Access Control

The primary purpose of a group is to control access to files, notebooks, and reports. When a file is added to a report, it becomes the property of the group that owns the report. Individual files are not shared between groups, ensuring that data remains compartmentalized.

Linking Groups

On the entity admin page, an admin can grant read permissions from one group (the parent group) to another (the child group). The child group can then link to notebooks or reports from the parent group. These linked notebooks or reports are updated automatically whenever the parent group’s content is updated, ensuring that all linked data is current.

Group Permissions

There are four different permission levels within a group, each providing a different set of capabilities:

1. Group Admin

  • Who: Only entity admins or supervisors can be designated as group admins.
  • Permissions:
  • Access all the rights listed below for supervisors and users.
  • View access logs for the group.
  • Set usage limits for the group, including restrictions on storage space and other resources.

2. Supervisor

  • Who: A step below the group admin, with extensive management rights.
  • Permissions:
  • Invite users to the group.
  • Remove any user from the group, except for the group admin.
  • Manage user roles within the group.
  • Access all rights for users with write and read permissions.

3. Write Permissions

  • Who: Users who need to actively contribute to the group’s content.
  • Permissions:
  • Create new notebooks and reports within the group.
  • Upload files to the group’s reports.
  • Link to notebooks or reports in the parent group, facilitating collaboration and content reuse.

4. Read Permissions

  • Who: Users who only need to view or download content.
  • Permissions:
  • Read and download files, reports, and notebooks.
  • Cannot create or modify content within the group.


Groups in WikiELN play a critical role in managing access and organizing content within an entity. By understanding and utilizing the different permission levels, entity admins can ensure that their data is both secure and accessible to the right people. Whether you're setting up a new group or managing existing ones, WikiELN provides the tools to maintain effective collaboration and control.

Explore related documentation to learn more about managing notebooks, reports, and other group features.